White Cat Valentines

Happy Valentines to all. Here is a cute white kitten on a victorian sofa.
Mailbox Art

Kittens playing with fairies and battling dragons. Paint your own mailbox and let your imagination run wild.
Katzentration Memory Game

If you love cats and you love games then give the Katzentration game a try. I find it as addictive as catnip and you can only play it on cat-paintings.com.

The glistening icicles and the shimmering snow. I think I'll enjoy the view from right here on my favorite window sill.
Bear Christmas Card

I try to make a Christmas card each year. Here is one from several years ago. If you are interested, many of my cards are now available.
Sliding Cats Puzzle

Here is another game only on cat-paintings.com for your (and my) entertainment. It's the classic sliding puzzle game, but optimized for us cat lovers.
Trinket Box Craft

My son made these trinket boxes for the Pat Brody Cat Shelter's Annual Fundraiser.
Tabby with Ornament

I enjoying painting a Christmas card each year. Here is my card for this year. If you're interested you can buy these cards online.
Sweetpea Fundraiser

The Sweetpea animal shelter has had a terrible fire, destroying their shelter. Please help... 100% of this auction will go to the Sweetpea Shelter. Important note, this auction has ended but you can still help Sweetpea recover by contributing to their gofundme page.
Calico on Kitchen Chair

I painted this calico cat with some paint left over on my dirty palette.
Girl's Best Friend

Diamonds are a girls best friend? Not even close. Nothing compares to cuddling with your kitten.
Nine Lives Foundation Charity Auction

This original water is for sale on Ebay through the Giving Works charity auction. 100% of the sale will benefit the amazing animal rescue efforts of the Nine Lives Foundation.
Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone. This orange tabby is enjoying the view of Halloween pumkins.
Portrait of Gracie

Here is a portrait of Gracie in the Garden. Isn't she beautiful? I love her emerald green eyes.
Cat Craft Tutorial

Here is a detailed tutorial on how to make your own cat pillow. The tutorial includes instructions for how to make a stand-alone pillow which is good for a decoration or a door-stop. The tutorial also provides instructions on how to make the pillow without the base which is good for cuddling.
Cat Craft Project

Mo resigns herself to another kitten in the house. There's still more work to be done on this cat pillow.
Portrait of Nikos Sorta

I started out painting an orange tabby and ended up with a portrait of Nikos.
Throwback Thursday Nikos with Bottles

I took my first painting class, through an adult education evening program at a local high school. The class was so crowded that the instructor only spoke to me [Read more...]
Blind Cat Rescue

I'm am selling this painting on Ebay and 100% of the proceeds will go to Blind Cat Rescue. Blind Cat Rescue is a life time care sanctuary located in St. Pauls, North Carolina. They provide a safe place for blind cats... Read more about Blind Cat Rescue
Cat Pillow Craft

I'm having fun making a sitting cat pillow. I'll make the fabric available when I get it the way I like it.
Fantasy Cat Magician

Even though Mrs. Norris, Filchs's companion, wasn't a particularly sympathetic character, she still was a cat... and thus my son loved her.
Tig at Ahimsa Haven Animal Rescue

When Tigg the Orange Tabby Cat came to Ahimsa Haven, it was the end of summer and still warm out. At first, he was kept in the outdoor cathouse because ... Read more about Tigg and Ahimsa
Cute Kitten

This kitten seems anxious because I drew him wee bit too large, and sometime in the future he will be squeezed into a slightly too small 5" x 7" mat.
Pat Brody Cat Shelter Fund Raiser

I'm painting this for the auction winner at the Pat Brody fund raiser.
Junior by Virginia Miller

I had some great friends in high school, but my best friend was a Siamese cat named Junior. Junior slept under covers with his head next to mine...
Chocolate Point Siamese Art

I am painting this acrylic for an upcoming art show. You can see the frame I painted in last week's newsletter
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Black Cat Art

Here is a watercolor of Marina, our magnificent black cat, hoping for spring.
You can see the full-size painting, an in-progress photo and my messy palette.
Valentines Day Cards for Cat Lovers

Happy Valentines to all. It's time for chocolates, cards and gifts for the cats and cat lovers in your live. See my selection of cat cards for cat lovers.
Tickle's Bucket List

Tickle's Bucket List: Learn to ride horses
Rachel's Bucket List: Learn to draw horses
See more illustrations of Tickle's Bucket
Sprite Cat Portrait

Sprite would like to wish everyone a wonderful new year. This watercolor of Sprite is for sale on Etsy. Free, downloadable Facebook and G+ cover photos are also available. Here is the full-size cat portrait.
Pet Portraits from Photos

This painting of a magnificent Angora is a work-in-progress. I am painting this in watercolor on 5"x7" cotton paper. You can see the pet portrait.
Free Banner for Cat Lovers under Creative Commons License

Here is my first banner released under the Free Creative Commons License. It would be my joy if you share or use this banner. Happy New Years!
Online Art Gallery of Cat Paintings

Please visit my Online Gallery for many of the paintings I have uploaded. The gallery contains original paintings for sale and high quality prints.
Monkey in the Gallery

Here's the initial sketch of Monkey. You can see the full sketch of Monkey in the Gallery. This link will contain images of the painting as it progresses from this initial sketch to the final painting.
I Love Cats

Of all the creatures great and small, I love cats best of all. I think this phrase just about sums up my view of the world. The slogan is a twist on the name of an British television series aired on the BBC in the mid-seventies. I simply completed their title with what seems to be a natural continuation, I love cats best of all. What more needs to be said. Click to see the full size illustration which is available on posters, shirts, mugs and more...
Christmas Kitten Art

Here is my Christmas Cat Art for those of us who keep Christmas in our hearts all year long.
Sleepy Cat

Gomer struggles to keep her eyes open as sleep slowly creeps in. Touch here to see a larger version of this original artwork.
Blue Collar Cat on For Sale on Etsy

Blue Collar Cat is finished, the varnish is dry and I'm
selling this artwork on Etsy. Etsy is similar to Ebay except
that Etsy primarily focuses on the buying and selling of arts and crafts. This hand-painted, original artwork would make a excellent present for
the hard to shop for tabby lover in your life... hint, hint and happy holidays
Siamese Slumber

Painting of Sleeping Siamese is a work in progress. This is an original acrylic artwork. I am experimenting some new pigments and I think I enjoy how it turned out. This original artwork is hand-painted and is for sale on Etsy. If you know a blue point siamese lover then this one of a kind picture may be the perfect gift.
Halloween Art

Here is my Halloween Cat Art for those of us who never get enough of this spooktacular holiday.
Cat Photo

Here is my world renowned two-headed cat MarinaTick, relaxing in the window after an arduous tour of all corners of the globe. This cat photo reminds of Doctor Dolittle's Push-Me--Pull-You. You can see more cat photographs of Tickles and Marina.
Paw Project T-Shirt Contest

My Paw Project T-Shirt entry didn't win but I had a lot of fun being involved in this wonderful project. Many fine artists participated and the winning designs will be used to sell T-Shirts and other merchandise to support the project.
Small Format Art

I painted this miniature for the local library's art show / fund raiser. Click to see a larger version of this original artwork.
Kitten Painting Lessons

I struggle with painting, but with a self-trained master artist guiding me step by step I am confident that I will reach my dreams. Thank you Grand Master Tickles for your patient tutorials and timeless wisdom. Here are many more paintings made possible by Tickles. Currently tickles only offers in person, one-on-one, tutorials but she is planning to one day offer free online art classes, so that all the world can know the joy of painting.
Please note that all copyright and reproduction rights remain with the artist.