Cat Lover Craft Project

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Pillow Sewing Tutorial

I have finished a tutorial on how to sew a cat pillow.

Cat Pillow Fabric

After several trials I think I like it. As shown in the following images, a fat quarter will make one cat pillow and a yardPima Cotton. The other fabrics are probably just as nice, possibly better, but I haven't tried them yet.

Purchase Cat Pillow Fabric and Pattern on Zazzle

Here is the Fat Quarter that makes one cat pillow. craft cat pillow fat quarter

Here is the Yard that makes 4 cat pillows. craft cat pillow one yard makes four cats

Tickles Approves the New Fabric

The first version of the cat pillow was a bit too small... this second version is taller, and thus closer to Tickles' height. I also made the base wider, so it may be a bit less stable, but it also may be a bit more realistic. Hopefully this version will work when I sew it up next week!

cat art fabric project

Not another Kitten

Mo doesn't seem thrilled about another kitten in the house. I like the quality but the "test" pattern on the fabric from Zazzle was a little smaller than I wanted. I'm going to make a few tweaks and upload the pattern to Zazzle again. I also am going to re-organize the pattern... If all goes well I think I'll be able to squeeze a cat pillow into a fat quarter which will be a smaller and more affordable than a full yard.

Not Another Kitten

Fabric for Cat Pillow Project

The "test" fabric for my cat pillow came today from Zazzle...this is one yard, 56" wide. At this size, it would be enough to make four pillows. At the bottom of the picture are two front facing pieces, but the back pieces of those two pillows didn't print...the fabric would've needed to be several inches wider for that. I'm thinking I could better fill that area with a smaller pattern, maybe for potpourri sachets or pot holders.

Cat Pillow Fabric

Cat Pillow Fabric on Zazzle

Here is the practice pattern I uploaded to Zazzle. I've ordered a yard and will try to make the pillow when the fabric gets here.

Cat Pillow Pattern on Zazzle
cat pillow pattern

Cat Pillow Fabric

This is the front of the cat pillow design I'm working on..I just ordered fabric to make a few test kitties. If you are interested in making one of these yourself, please wait until I put the final design up onto Zazzle...I'll be posting my experiments with this practice pillow after I receive the fabric.

front of cat pillow craft

This is the back of the pillow...the pillow can be made flat, with just the front and the back of the cat sewn together and stuffed. Or it can be made as a "standing" pillow, with a flat bottom, so that it looks like a regular cat sitting, waiting patiently for you to do her bidding.

back of cat pillow craft

Here are the mice hiding behind the sitting cat....I painted them on a separate piece of watercolor paper when I realized that the back of the cat pillow needed something extra...then I used my somewhat questionable Photoshop skills to join the mice with my pillow design. In a month or so, after I've finalized the actual pillow design, I'll be giving the mice painting away.

mice dancing painting

Cat Pillow Craft

I'm making a sitting cat pillow. I sewed a mock up out of calico (it's a calico cat) to test the pattern. When I've worked out all the kinks I'll put the printed fabric for the pattern onto my shop at Zazzle for any cat loving crafters.

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