Winter Window Tabby Cat
Watercolor on Unidentifiable Paper

This is one of the paintings that I started several years ago, lost my way, and eventually got around to finishing. I unearthed it a few weeks ago while I was cleaning the front entryway of our house (I eventually lost steam, so there still may be more surprises to find in the entryway... I am the Queen of Unfinished Projects!).

I probably stopped working on this painting for many reasons: I was struggling with my color choices, and the branches needed to be redrawn and I'd mistakenly chosen a paper not suitable for watercolor. But the biggest issue by far was that I'd started painting the branches brown, and gave the poor tabby a huge rack of antlers by mistake. With a lot of careful scrubbing I was able to relieve the cat of her antlers. She is much happier now!

Please note that all copyright and reproduction rights remain with the artist.
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