Sign Up for my Art Newsletter
My Promise: No Spam. Just Art, Giveaways and Fun
My Free Art Newsletter
I love hearing from you, my cat loving friends. I enjoy sharing my Catastrophic thoughts and Kitty Kreations and I especially enjoy finding out what you're thinking and learning what mischief your favorite feline friends are up to.
One way to stay in touch is my Art Newsletter. This is the most reliable way to keep track of what Tickles, Marina and I are up to. I also enjoy giving little presents to my newsletter readers. Sometimes I'll give an original painting or sketch. Other times a craft project such as my Count Catula stuffed pillow. And other times I'll give a mug or ornament featuring my artwork.
I try to keep it fun. I think you'll will enjoy it, so please give it a shot and sign-up by entering your email in the form above. If it turns out you don't like the newsletter then you can easily cancel... every newsletter has an "unsubscribe" link at the bottom.
Sign Up for my Art Newsletter
My Promise: No Spam. Just Art, Giveaways and Fun
Social, Social, Social
You can follow me, friend me or circle me on many of the social networks. I was initially apprehensive about the whole online, Internet social network thing. But now it's lots of fun. The only downside is that Facebook and Google+ limit how many people receive a post. So you may get some of my posts in your feed but not others. This is why I started my Art Newsletter. If you want ensure we stay in touch then please sign-up for my Art Newsletter.
October Giveaway - Count Catula
Hurry, the last day to enter is October 13th
October's Newsletter Giveaway will be this Count Catula pillow. The Count is just over two feet tall and has a green bowtie and a bat on the back of his cape. There will be two runner up cat-solation prizes of the smaller vampires.
Sign-up for my email newsletter for a chance to win. It's free. No purchase required. Free Shipping and Handling to anywhere in the world.
Sign-up now... Halloween is less than a month away and the contest ends soon!!!

Here is the back with a friendly little bat.

Please note that all copyright and reproduction rights remain with the artist.