Portrait of Nancy's Widget
Watercolor on Cold Press Paper

My husband and I had five cats at one point, so I can't tease our friend Nancy for having three. Nancy's orange tabby happens to be named Widget, the same as our orange tabby! Nancy's Widget has a lovely long tail though, which our Widget, being a Manx, lacked.
Nancy adopted Widget a few years ago from Sarge's Animal Rescue Foundation. Sarge's is named after a healthy young purebred German Shepherd who was euthanized a mere hour before rescue transport could remove him from animal control. The foundation works in conjunction with the Haywood County Animal Shelter in North Carolina to save as many adoptable pets as possible. You can view the county's adoptable pets at http://sargeandfriends.org/shelterpets.html and the pets adoptable through Sarge's at http://sargeandfriends.org/featuredpets.html
Free Printable Coloring Page
Click here or on the picture below for a printable pdf coloring page of Nancy's Widget!

Original Watercolor Painting
Below is the painting when it was unfinished and in progress.

Nancy's Cat as a portrait

Please note that all copyright and reproduction rights remain with the artist.
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