Cuddling Cats Fund Raiser for Pat Brody Shelter for Cats
Watercolor on Cold Press Paper

I painted this watercolor as part of a fundraiser for the Pat Brody Shelter for Cats. Each year the shelter holds an auction. These two beautiful orange tabbies belong to the 2015 winner of the pet portrait that I donated.
Besides having adopted cats from Pat Brody, the winner of this pet portrait also donates her time to the shelter. My cats came from this same shelter, although I have to admit, my two don't get along as well as these two tabbies. After fourteen years of living together, Marina and Tickles till haven't determined who is the alpha cat. There is very little cuddling between our cats.
You can see Pat Brody's current available cats

Pat Brody Auction Winner
I'm working on this cat painting for the Pat Brody Cat Shelter
auction winner. If you live in the Central
Massachusetts area, and really love orange tabbies, Pat Brodys happens
to have an older gentleman tabby in need of a home
Pat Bodys Adult Cats Needing a Home
Pat Brody Fund Raiser
Here is a gift basket we donated to the Pat Brody Fund Raiser. It's packed full of gift items from Zazzle and Cafepress that are based on my artwork and designs.

The Pat Brody Shelter is a no-kill cat shelter in Lunenburg, MA. The shelter is having having a fundraising auction on March 29. Here's the link to the Pat Brody Auction.
We've adopted several cats from them and we try to help when we can. For the auction, I've put together 8 items with my paintings on them (6 cork backed coasters with a tuxedo cat, Gomer the Maine Coon on a canvas tote bag, Tickles the Black cat on a tile, a Brown Tabby on a travel mug, Widget the Manx on a clock, my friend Ann's Grey Tabby on Bicycle playing cards, Whiskers the Orange Tabby on a pet bowl, and Gladys the Orange Tabby on a jewelry box) wrapped inside a yellow and grey pet bed.
I've just started using Zazzle, so I haven't seen everything they make yet, but my favorite item is the wood box with the tile top of Gladys. They call it a "gift box," but it is sturdy and heavy.
If you're in the area and have the time, please stop by. The shelter is definitely worth supporting.
Please note that all copyright and reproduction rights remain with the artist.
I have sold my paintings on Ebay for many years and I am proud to be an affiliate.