Support Blind Cat Rescue
I have a special love for the amazing cats at Blind Cat Rescue. Our cat lost her vision and she brilliantly got along without us knowing. Her other tremendous senses of hearing, smell and of course her whiskers, compensated for her lack of sight. We finally figured it out when we re-arranged furniture. To support these remarkable, gifted cats, this month I am donating all earnings from my Cafepress Store to the wonderful cats and volunteers of Blind Cat Rescue and Santuary.
Donate to Blind Cat Rescue and Sanctuary
I am donating all earnings for ALL of my cat designs on CafePress to Blind Cat Rescue for the month of August. These mugs, cards, shirts, bags, ornaments make great gifts for you and your Cat Lovers. There are designs for Halloween, Christmas, Valentines Day and almost every occasion. Please take a look.

Cafepress Fund Raiser for Blind Cat Rescue
The original painting of "Poppy's Poppies" has been auctioned on Ebay with 100% of the proceeds going to Blind Cat Rescue. I have uploaded the design to Cafepress and have created a few products. During August all profit from these products will go to Blind Cat Rescue. These products are excellent gifts. Please take a look.
Ebay Giving Works is amazing. Just tell Ebay to send a percentage of the sale price to a charity, such as 100% of Poppy's Poppies to Blind Cat Rescue and Santuary, and Ebay Giving Works takes care of the rest.
Cafepress doesn't have a similar feature. So I will keep track of the earnings from Poppy's Poppies and donate it using the Blind Cat Rescue and Santuary Donation Page. Also, the price consists of a base price and a royality. Cafepress keeps the base price and sends the artist (me) the royalty. I will donate 100% of the royalty to Blind Cat Rescue.

Ebay Giving Works Auction Done
It was an exciting end to the auction with many last minute bids. Congratulations and thanks to the winning bidder, 100% of your bid will help Blind Cat Rescue & Sanctuary, Inc .

About Blind Cat Rescue
We are a life time care sanctuary located in St. Pauls, NC (USA) We began in 2005 to answer the need for a safe place for blind cats that were deemed not adoptable by regular shelters and were going to be euthanized just because they are blind. In 2011 we built a second shelter building to answer the need for a safe place for Leukemia Positive (FELV+) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus positive (FIV+) cats that will be killed just because they test positive for these viruses. We are a registered non-profit 501(c)3 with the State of North Carolina. Our tax number is 20-3410498. Your donations are tax deductible, encrypted and safe. You may use Mastercard, Visa or Paypal. Please help us by investing in the future to continue to educate and save the lives of blind, FIV+ & FELV+ cats.

Poppy in the Poppy Field
Original Watercolor For Sale on Ebay
Poppy is a resident of the Blind Cat Rescue. In July I'll be auctioning the completed watercolor on Ebay's Giving Works. All proceeds will go to the shelter!
All Proceeds will be Donated to Blind Cat Rescue

Poppy at Blind Cat Rescue
Let's zoom in and see Poppy's beautiful smile

See more about our Cat Shelter Fundraisers
Please note that all copyright and reproduction rights remain with the artist.
I have sold my paintings on Ebay for many years and I am proud to be an affiliate.