Tickle's Tale of Woe
Here is my tale of woe. Mommy won't let me use her fancy shmancy artsy brushes so I have to improvise... I will not be denied my love of painting.
Forever Home for Count Catula
Please help! We love our cousin the Count from Catsylvania, but it's time for him to move on. He sleeps
all day and is awake all night. We can't get any peace and quite. If you have room in your home, please
adopt the Count. He is very polite... but his dietary needs are a little bit peculiar.
The Tickles Chainsaw Massacre
Ooooo, sometimes the Vet makes me sooooooo mad and today was one of those times. I am very humble (of course) and quite lovable and especially mild mannered until you cross me... and then it's
payback time.
I Love to Read
I love to read and I especially love to read about the adventures of my fellow feline friends. Here are some of my reading recommendations
Cat Push-Me Pull-You

Here we are, the world renowned two-headed cat, revered by all as the famed MarinaTick, relaxing in the window after an arduous tour of all corners of the globe. We are in many ways similar to Doctor Dolittle's Push-Me--Pull-You... but of course we are superior because we are CATS.
You can see more cat photographs of Tickles and Marina.
Please note that all copyright and reproduction rights remain with the artist.