Maine Coon Cat Christmas Card

Here are a few popular gift ideas for cat lovers. You can find many more cat gifts with this painting Here.

I painted this watercolor of our Maine Coon Cat on cold press paper.
You can sooth a normal cat to sleep by gently and slowly stroking between the cat's eyes with one finger.
The few times I have tried to sooth Tickles asleep in this manner, she has promptly hissed and latched her claws in a death grip around my hand.
When I try it with Marina, she gets agitated. Somehow she translates any moving finger within her personal space as an offer of food. Instead of falling asleep, she sniffs my fingers, my hands, the surrounding area, before running into the kitchen to stare at the cat food cabinet.
Gomer the Maine Coon Cat was easy to sooth to sleep, even from across the room. All you had to do was say, "Who's the pretty girl?" Gomer would slowly blink her eyes, signifying that the pretty girl was, indeed, Gomer. "The pretty girl?" Again, Gomer would slowly blink. After being asked four or five times, and blinking back, Gomer would be fast asleep.
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