Painting of Hunter the Tuxedo Cat

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Black Tuxedo Cat Painting by Rachel

Painting this black tuxedo cat perched on a ladder took me around 39 hours. But some of that time was spent fight the elements: in this case, a string of hot and muggy days prevented the watercolors from drying properly!

Here is Hunter after 27 hours.

Cat Painting of Hunter after 27 hours

Hunter After 18 hours

The weather was very humid so it took forever for the watercolors to dry.

Cat Painting of Hunter after 18 hours

Painting at 1 Hour

Here is Hunter after 1 hours. I haven't started painting yet, it's just the initial sketch. I changed the window from a rectangle to an arch, and added rose bushes that weren't in my reference photo. I thought the brownish green of the house would set off the roses nicely.

Painting of cat after 1 hours

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